Stockdale Quarter 2


Colorizing Black and White Images



Celebrity Collage-PHOTOSHOP


No images of Tupac, Bob Marley, Snoop Dog, Eminem, Sublime, or any other artist who openly advocates for drug use, violence, gang affiliation, alcohol use, tobacco use, etc, will be accepted. Use of such imagery will result in zero credit for the entire project.

All images need to conform to the Stockdale High dress code. (See Dress Code for Details)

Collage-an artistic composition made of various materials.

You will be working on a collage similar to the personal collage you created in quarter one. This collage however is about a celebrity, or famous person, and must include a quote from that person. Collage, in this case, is the combination of multiple images. You need to include at least 15 images as well as the quote.

Project Requirements-
1.  Name of the famous person
2.  Quote by the famous person
3.  At least 15 pictures of the person

Design must be 8 by 10, resolution is 72.


Career Preparation Unit

LIFE -Take the survey to find out how much money it costs to support the lifestyle you wish to lead.

Job ResearchNext you will be researching 3 jobs/careers. You need to write about each job and document how much money each job will earn. You need to compare this to the projected COLA(cost of living adjustment) for the lifestyle you would like to lead. You should have already determined your budgetary needs by completing the reality check above.

All of the information you need to gather is listed in your digport, click on the career preperation link. You may choose to copy and past the information from the BLS website into the appropriate place in your digport.


Career Essay Writing Prompts

Final Summary Essay

Job Research-Tips

Read all the above directions and  write your summary statement.
Open from the Career prep link in your digital portfolio.
Many of you will not have actual job experience… here are some examples of other experiences that students have used in the past
–  volunteer work you have done for church
–  clubs or other school organizations you are a member of
–  athletics
–  if you helped someone with a large project
–  cutting your neighbors lawn
Cover Letter– In your digital portfolio.
Write this as if you are applying for an entry level position as a Graphic Artist.
Be sure to talk up the company.

Interview Question Hints

Interview Question and Answer- Interview Questions-
Open and save from the Career Preparation link in your digital portfolio.
Completely Answer all of the following Questions.
Write out exactly what you would say if you were in an Interview.
All answers need to be as professional as possible.

Interview Etiquette LECTURE NOTES





The Dreamer- Movie Poster
Description and main commands

Before After


Open “blank.psd” to get started.


POSTER NEEDS TO BE 8 Wide by 10 High


Layout Power Point-Read and take 40 Numbered bulleted notes

Save as lastname_layout_powerpoint_notes.



What makes a good Layout-Read and take 20 Numbered bulleted notes-save as yourlastname_layout_pdf

Design Principles and Color Theory



No images of Tupac, Bob Marley, Snoop Dog, Eminem, Sublime, or any other artist who openly advocates for drug use, violence, gang affiliation, alcohol use, tobacco use, etc, will be not accepted. Use of such imagery will result in zero credit for the entire project.

All images need to conform to the Stockdale High dress code. (See Dress Code for Details)


Fontspace and cooltext are font generating sites that allows you to create fonts with more style than the ones available as stock fonts in PS. You must save the fonts as image files however, they will NOT download and install and be usable in the font database.
Your own Movie Poster Design-

Chose a current movie and create a promotional poster that is 8″ wide 10″ high Resolution 72

Movie Poster Examples

Create an advertisement for the movie that includes the following…
1) Name of the Movie.
2) Names and pictures of the actors
3) 8 by 10 portrait – resolution-72
4) Use a background that will tie the design together.
5) Movie Credits at the bottom-USE THESE-CREDITS-Credits 2-transparent background

Think about Balance, Unity and Contrast before you get started.

Create two different designs.  (1) Formal Balance and (1) Informal Balance



You need to do ONE magazine cover, either formally or informally balanced.

You will be creating layout for a magazine. You need to use all of the skills you have developed in both the movie poster design project, as well as the CD layout project.


  1. Pick a magazine
  2. Design the style of font you will use for the title, use the type tool in Photoshop.
  3. Pick at least THREE stories you will feature in your magazine
  4. Find pictures for the cover of your magazine
  5. Remember to incorporate the principles of design, focus on unity, balance, and emphasis
  6. 8 inches by 10 inches-Portrait-Resolution is 72

Magazine Cover EXAMPLES


CD Layout

You will be creating a CD layout for the jewel case of a music CD. You must create both the front and back of a two fold design, as well as the back of the jewel case.

Dimensions for CD Layout-

A two fold design has three image boxes on each side. (see examples) Each box is 4.75 inches by 4.75 inches, resolution is 72. After you create the three boxes, you must combine them together in an image document which is 14.25 wide by 4.75 high, resolution is 72.

Additionally, you need to create the image for the back of the jewel case. The dimensions for this are 6 inches wide by 4.75 inches high, resolution is 72. (see examples)

  1. Include Band Name
  2. Song list(typed yourself-at least 8 tracks)
  3. Production Information(include band member names, who produced the music, your name for layout and design)
  4. Pictures of the band

DIMENSIONS FOR THE S DRIVE- MAKE A DOCUMENT 15 inches by 15 inches- Resolution 72-Combine all designs into this doc and save it as a JPEG on the S drive!!!

Save the CD layout as last name_CD_1-Last name_CD2-Last Name_CD3

Examples of CD layout.- file:///S:/1202/graphic_arts/CD Covers






  1. Must include Graphic Arts Logo
  2. Design must be in Black and White
  3. Use the T-Shirt Template Provided
  4. Include design elements that you either make or find on the net.
  5. You must incorporate the words Motion, Graphics and Art, you need to type the words, the words in the logo provided do not count.


Van Gogh- Van Gogh – Private life of a Masterpiece BBC (Documentary)

Project Video-Video

You will be creating a self portrait in the style of Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh is famous for his portraits, both of himself as well as of others. Van Gogh is also famous for the texture he applied to his paintings. His work has thick brush strokeswith many layers of paint applied to the canvas. You will be creating implied texture using various techniques in Photoshop. You will be creating a total of four self portraits. Two of the four will be created by sampling directly from a Van Gogh. The final two portraits need to be created entirely by you.

Image size is 8 by 10 inches with a resolution of 72


-Filter Gallery

-Brush Strokes

-Texture Tools

Link to Van Gogh- file:///S:/1202/graphic_arts/van gogh




Images in my “my documents” final exam images